Team collaboration tools » Historique » Révision 5
Révision 4 (Xavier Bonnin, 12/12/2016 17:23) → Révision 5/10 (Xavier Bonnin, 12/12/2016 17:24)
h1. Team collaboration tools h2. At Paris Observatory h3. Wiki The HFC team is invited to use the current Wiki pages as a main site for the HFC project. h3. GIT repositories The HFC source files (i.e., pipeline, database, FRC, etc.) are maintained using the following Git repositories: *, a GitHub organization which hosts all of the Public Git repositories of the HELIO HFC Feature Recognition Codes (FRC). FRC. *,, a Git repository containing the HFC pipeline source files. *, a Git repository to manage the HELIO services and codes NOTE : Git repositories are managed using the git-flow-avh tool which relies on the Vincent Driessen's branching model (see or for more details.) Contact X.Bonnin (LESIA) concerning Git repository access permissions. h3. SVN repositories (OBSOLETE) The HFC team relies on the following SVN repository to store HFC and FRC source files: <pre> </pre> NOTE: SINCE APRIL, 2016, HFC TEAM HAS MIGRATED THE CONTENT OF THE SVN REPOSITORY TO NEW DEDICATED GIT REPOSITORIES