Team collaboration tools » Historique » Révision 8
Révision 7 (Xavier Bonnin, 21/12/2016 13:50) → Révision 8/10 (Xavier Bonnin, 21/12/2016 13:53)
h1. Team collaboration tools h2. At Paris Observatory h3. Wiki The HFC team is invited to use the current Wiki pages as a main site for the HFC project. h3. Git GIT repositories The HFC source files (i.e., pipeline, database, FRC, etc.) are maintained using the following Git repositories: *, a GitHub organization which hosts all of the Public Git repositories of the HELIO HFC Feature Recognition Codes (FRC). *, a Git repository containing the HFC pipeline source files. *, a Git repository to manage the HELIO services and codes *, a Git repositoty to share codes and data helpful for the HELIO developements. *NOTE:* * To download and create a local copy of a NOTE : Git repos., use the "git clone " command (for more information about Git, visit * Git repositories are managed using the git-flow-avh tool which relies on the Vincent Driessen's branching model (see for a description of the model and or for how to use it.) more details.) Contact X.Bonnin (LESIA) concerning Git repository access permissions. h3. JIRA Web Page *, JIRA Page for HELIO-HFC h3. SVN repositories (OBSOLETE) The HFC team relies on the following SVN repository to store HFC and FRC source files: <pre> </pre> NOTE: SINCE APRIL, 2016, HFC TEAM HAS MIGRATED THE CONTENT OF THE SVN REPOSITORY TO NEW DEDICATED GIT REPOSITORIES