Assistance #236
ferméProblème de compatibilité avec CUDA 6.0 ?
j'ai un soucis dans l'execution du widget et des autres scripts après avoir installé CUDA 6.0 (et la dernière version de cula). La version de compass utilisée est la dernière en date.
L'execution du widget me retourne une erreur "find dynamic library file". Un ldd et un ldd -u sur me disent que les librairies CUDA 6.0 sont bien vues mais qu'elles ne sont pas utilisées, et que 2 librairies 5.5 sont manquantes ( et
Lors de l'installation la compilation de sutra retourne aussi le warning suivant (alors que le sm_30 est bien indiqué dans de .bashrc et dans le script
"nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release."
J'ai essayé de rebooter la machine pour voir, mais ça ne change rien. Je vais voir si la réinstallation des 5.5 change quelque chose.
Ci-joint le log complet de l'installation :
updated ./Makefile
updated ./Makefile
Compiling obj/carma_context.o
Compiling obj/carma_cublas.o
Compiling obj/carma_cula.o
Compiling obj/carma_cusparse.o
Compiling obj/carma_fft_conv.o
Compiling obj/carma_fft.o
Compiling obj/carma_host_obj.o
Compiling obj/carma_ipcs.o
Compiling obj/carma_magma.o
Compiling obj/carma_multithread.o
Compiling obj/carma_obj.o
Compiling obj/carma_rng.o
Compiling obj/carma_sparse_host_obj.o
Compiling obj/carma_sparse_obj.o
src.cpp/carma_cublas.cpp: In function ‘cublasStatus_t __carma_checkCublasStatus(cublasStatus_t, int, std::string)’:
src.cpp/carma_cublas.cpp:9: attention : enumeration value ‘CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED’ not handled in switch
Compiling obj/carma_streams.o
src.cpp/carma_cusparse.cpp: In function ‘cusparseStatus_t carma_checkCusparseStatus_v2(cusparseStatus_t, int, std::string)’:
src.cpp/carma_cusparse.cpp:11: attention : enumeration value ‘CUSPARSE_STATUS_ZERO_PIVOT’ not handled in switch
Compiling obj/carma_utils.o
Compiling obj/carma_fft_conv.cuo
Compiling obj/carma_obj.cuo
Compiling obj/carma_rng.cuo
Compiling obj/carma_sum.cuo
Compiling obj/carma_svd.cuo
Compiling obj/carma_transpose.cuo
Compiling obj/convolutionFFT2D.cuo
gcc -shared obj/carma_context.o obj/carma_cublas.o obj/carma_cula.o obj/carma_cusparse.o obj/carma_fft_conv.o obj/carma_fft.o obj/carma_host_obj.o obj/carma_ipcs.o obj/carma_magma.o obj/carma_multithread.o obj/carma_obj.o obj/carma_rng.o obj/carma_sparse_host_obj.o obj/carma_sparse_obj.o obj/carma_streams.o obj/carma_utils.o obj/carma_fft_conv.cuo obj/carma_obj.cuo obj/carma_rng.cuo obj/carma_sum.cuo obj/carma_svd.cuo obj/carma_transpose.cuo obj/convolutionFFT2D.cuo -o -fPIC -Wall -lstdc++ -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcuda -lcudart -lcublas -lcufft -lcurand -lcusparse -lnvToolsExt -lpthread -L/usr/local/magma/lib -lmagma
rm -f ~ '#' core* .core a.out yinit. ywrap.* .dep so_locations Make.tmp
rm -f Y_HOME.txt
rm -f yoga.o libyoga.a yoga.def
Compiling yoga.o
cc -O -fPIC -DPLUG_IN -I. -I/root/yorick-2.2/include -Wall -fno-common -I/usr/local/cuda/include -I/root/compass/trunk/libcarma/include.h yoga.cpp -c -o yoga.o
/root/yorick-2.2/lib/codger w yoga yorick/yoga.i
found yorick/yoga.i in current directory
cc -O -fPIC -DPLUG_IN -I. -I/root/yorick-2.2/include -c -o ywrap.o ywrap.c
cc -O -fPIC -shared -o yoga.o ywrap.o -L/root/compass/trunk/libcarma -lcarma -lm
/root/yorick-2.2/lib/ `cat /root/yorick-2.2/lib/install.grp` /root/yorick-2.2/lib
/root/yorick-2.2/lib/ `cat /root/yorick-2.2/lib/install.grp` yorick/yoga.i /root/yorick-2.2/i0
if test -n ""; then /root/yorick-2.2/lib/ `cat /root/yorick-2.2/lib/install.grp` /root/yorick-2.2/i-start; fi
if test -n "yorick/fits-utils.i yorick/util_fr.i"; then /root/yorick-2.2/lib/ `cat /root/yorick-2.2/lib/install.grp` yorick/fits-utils.i yorick/util_fr.i /root/yorick-2.2/i; fi
if test -f "yoga.cfg"; then /root/yorick-2.2/lib/ `cat /root/yorick-2.2/lib/install.grp` yoga.cfg /root/yorick-2.2/lib; fi
Compiling obj/sutra_acquisim.o
Compiling obj/sutra_aotemplate.o
Compiling obj/sutra_centroider_bpcog.o
Compiling obj/sutra_centroider_cog.o
Compiling obj/sutra_centroider_corr.o
Compiling obj/sutra_centroider_pyr.o
Compiling obj/sutra_centroider_tcog.o
Compiling obj/sutra_centroider_wcog.o
Compiling obj/sutra_controller.o
Compiling obj/sutra_controller_cured.o
Compiling obj/sutra_controller_ls.o
Compiling obj/sutra_controller_kalman.o
Compiling obj/sutra_controller_mv.o
Compiling obj/sutra_dm.o
Compiling obj/sutra_kl.o
Compiling obj/sutra_lgs.o
Compiling obj/sutra_phase.o
Compiling obj/sutra_rtc.o
Compiling obj/sutra_target.o
Compiling obj/sutra_telemetry.o
Compiling obj/sutra_turbu.o
Compiling obj/sutra_acquisim.cuo
Compiling obj/sutra_wfs.o
nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
Compiling obj/sutra_aotemplate.cuo
Compiling obj/sutra_ao_utils.cuo
Compiling obj/sutra_centroider.cuo
Compiling obj/sutra_controller.cuo
nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
Compiling obj/sutra_controller_utils.cuo
Compiling obj/sutra_dm.cuo
nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
Compiling obj/sutra_kl.cuo
nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
Compiling obj/sutra_lgs.cuo
nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
Compiling obj/sutra_target.cuo
nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
Compiling obj/sutra_turbu.cuo
nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
Compiling /root/compass/trunk/aao/cured/cured.o
nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
Compiling obj/sutra_wfs.cuo
nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
src.cpp/sutra_controller_mv.cpp: In member function ‘int sutra_controller_mv::build_cmat(const char, char*)’:
src.cpp/sutra_controller_mv.cpp:499: attention : unused variable ‘h_eigenvals’
src.cpp/sutra_controller_mv.cpp:500: attention : unused variable ‘d_eigenvals’
ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000e7f_00000000-5_sutra_aotemplate.ptx, line 112; warning : Double is not supported. Demoting to float
ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000e99_00000000-5_sutra_turbu.ptx, line 168; warning : Double is not supported. Demoting to float
ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000e75_00000000-5_sutra_acquisim.ptx, line 235; warning : Double is not supported. Demoting to float
ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000e98_00000000-5_sutra_target.ptx, line 99; warning : Double is not supported. Demoting to float
ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000e8c_00000000-5_sutra_dm.ptx, line 260; warning : Double is not supported. Demoting to float
ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000e90_00000000-5_sutra_lgs.ptx, line 144; warning : Double is not supported. Demoting to float
ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000e86_00000000-5_sutra_controller.ptx, line 480; warning : Double is not supported. Demoting to float
ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000e83_00000000-5_sutra_ao_utils.ptx, line 739; warning : Double is not supported. Demoting to float
ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000e88_00000000-5_sutra_controller_utils.ptx, line 107; warning : Double is not supported. Demoting to float
ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000e84_00000000-5_sutra_centroider.ptx, line 803; warning : Double is not supported. Demoting to float
ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000ea0_00000000-5_sutra_wfs.ptx, line 1116; warning : Double is not supported. Demoting to float
rm -f ~ '#' core* .core a.out yinit. ywrap.* *.dep so_locations Make.tmp
rm -f Y_HOME.txt
rm -f yoga_ao.o libyoga_ao.a yoga_ao.def
Compiling yoga_ao.o
yoga_ao.cpp: In function ‘void Y_yoga_getflokl(int)’:
yoga_ao.cpp:3436: attention : unused variable ‘nkl’
yoga_ao.cpp:3437: attention : unused variable ‘dim’
yoga_ao.cpp:3438: attention : unused variable ‘covmat’
yoga_ao.cpp:3439: attention : unused variable ‘filter’
yoga_ao.cpp:3440: attention : unused variable ‘evals’
yoga_ao.cpp:3441: attention : unused variable ‘bas’
yoga_ao.cpp: In function ‘void Y_rtc_initkalman(int)’:
yoga_ao.cpp:3538: attention : unused variable ‘nzernike’
yoga_ao.cpp:3524: attention : unused variable ‘nactu’
yoga_ao.cpp:3525: attention : unused variable ‘current_context’
/root/yorick-2.2/lib/codger w yoga_ao yorick/yoga_aolib.i
found yorick/yoga_aolib.i in current directory
cc -O -fPIC -DPLUG_IN -I. -I/root/yorick-2.2/include -c -o ywrap.o ywrap.c
cc -O -fPIC -shared -o yoga_ao.o ywrap.o -L/root/compass/trunk/yoga -L/root/compass/trunk/libcarma -lcarma -L/root/compass/trunk/libsutra -lsutra -lm
/root/yorick-2.2/lib/ `cat /root/yorick-2.2/lib/install.grp` /root/yorick-2.2/lib
/root/yorick-2.2/lib/ `cat /root/yorick-2.2/lib/install.grp` yorick/yoga_aolib.i /root/yorick-2.2/i0
if test -n ""; then /root/yorick-2.2/lib/ `cat /root/yorick-2.2/lib/install.grp` /root/yorick-2.2/i-start; fi
if test -n ""; then /root/yorick-2.2/lib/ `cat /root/yorick-2.2/lib/install.grp` /root/yorick-2.2/i; fi
if test -f "yoga_ao.cfg"; then /root/yorick-2.2/lib/ `cat /root/yorick-2.2/lib/install.grp` yoga_ao.cfg /root/yorick-2.2/lib; fi
Mis à jour par Arnaud Sevin il y a plus de 10 ans
As tu mis à jour CULA Dense R18 aussi ?
Car la R17 utilise CUDA 5.5 et il doit y avoir un conflit si tu ne l'as pas fait.
Perso, on n'utilise plus cula mais MAGMA et tout fonctionne avec CUDA6
Mis à jour par Arnaud Sevin il y a plus de 10 ans
On a pas mal debug COMPASS pour CUDA6.5 + Magma 1.5.0
Peut être que ton soucis sera résolu...
Mis à jour par Arnaud Sevin il y a presque 10 ans
- Statut changé de In Progress à Fermé