


Wiki » Historique » Révision 44

Révision 43 (Damien Gratadour, 09/11/2015 14:47) → Révision 44/52 (Damien Gratadour, 09/11/2015 14:51)

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 Welcome to the COMPASS wiki. 

 The COMPASS platform comes with 2 user interface which rely on several layers of software. This stack is described in the 2 following figures. 
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 The lower level is the GPU domain. This is where resides the computing power and the memory that needs to be addressed to perform the computations. To manipulate GPU arrays and use advanced and optimized numerical algorithms, COMPASS relies on 3 main pillars : 
 * the CUDA toolkit from NVIDIA including optimized libraries : CUBLAS, CUFFT, CURAND 
 * the CArMA (C++ Api for Massively parallel Applications) 
 * SuTrA (Simulation Tool for Adaptive optics). 

 The intermediate layer is the binding domain. This is where the set of optimized tools are bound to interpreted languages in order to build evolutive and modular higher level applications. For now only the Yorick interpreted language is supported through the Yorick API but plans exist to add Python support. 

 At the higher level, we find the Yorick plugins accessible to the user through the interpreter. This includes the YoGA plugin, providing general utilities to the user such as random number generation, fast Fourier transform or various BLAS levels. Additionally, the YoGA_AO extension provides a whole environment, including GUIs, to simulate adaptive optics systems.  

 Follow the links to get more information on each components of the COMPASS project. 

 [[Install the platform]]  
 [[CArMA]]     : the C++ API for a user-friendly GPU 
 [[SuTrA]]     : the AO simulation tool 
 [[YoGA]]      : the Yorick plugin 
 [[YoGA_AO]] : the YoGA extension to manipulates SuTrA objects and run AO simulations 
 [[PRANA]]     : the real-time control development platform 
 [[Websim]]    : the astrophysical observations simulator 
 [[SWG]]       : the science working group page 
 [[CWG]]       : the computing working group page 
