


YoGA » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (Damien Gratadour, 10/27/2013 06:29 PM) → Revision 7/14 (Damien Gratadour, 10/27/2013 06:29 PM)

h1. The YoGA simulation tool 

 YoGA is a plugin for "Yorick": built on top of "NVIDIA's CUDA toolkit": It provides GPU acceleration from within the Yorick environment for a number of applications (Fourier transform, matrix operations, random number generation, etc ..).  

 YoGA_AO is an extension to the YoGA plugin for Yorick, providing efficient tools to simulate a wide range of adaptive optics systems at various scales. General software design has been inspired by "YAO":, a simulation tool developed by François Rigaut. Main features include : 
 * on-line multiple layers Kolmogorov turbulence generation at various altitudes 
 * multi-directional raytracing through turbulence 
 * multi-directional Shack-Hartmann (SH) spots computation using either natural or laser guide stars 
 * centroiding on SH spots using various algorithm : center of gravity (COG) , weighted COG, thresholded COG, brightest pixels COG 
 * Least square command strategy 
 * Realistic piezostack deformable mirror model 

 The following wiki pages will guide you through the installation and use of the simulation tool. 

 [[Install YoGA_Ao]] 
 [[YoGA_Ao features]] 
 [[Use YoGA_Ao]] 
 [[Model Description]] 
