Install SUTrA¶
SUTrA was originally designed as an extension to the YoGA Yorick plugin. The version distributed on the SVN repository comes with a compatible version of YoGA.
System requirements¶
Your machine should be running Linux or Mac OS and should host a NVidia video card. NVidia devdriver as well as the CUDA toolkit and SDK should be installed. Please refer to the YoGA wiki for details.
Concerning the Yorick installation, you should have pygtk installed to allow for the use of the GUI mode. The easiest to get everything configured properly is probably to install glade-3 on either OS.
Installation process¶
SUTrA comes with a compatible version of YoGA. We've developed a unified install process for both YoGA and SUTrA.
First check out the latest version from the svn repository :
svn co compass
then go in the newly created directory and then trunk:
cd compass/trunk
once there, you need to modify system variables in the executable :
in this file define properly CUDA_ROOT, CULA_ROOT and YoGA path. Note that for the latter, as YoGA is distributed with SUTrA you should just point to the newly created trunk directory. On a Linux system you should normally have:
export CUDA_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda export CULA_ROOT=/usr/local/cula export YOGA_DIR=/home/MyUserName/path2compass/trunk
Once this is done, you're ready to compile the whole library. First run to define the system variables that will be used during the compilation process:
then identify the absolute path to your Yorick executable using:
which yorick
and run the compilation script:
./reinstall absolute_path_of_yorick
If you did not get any error, YoGA and SUTrA are now installed on your machine. You can check that everything is working by launching a GUI to test a simulation:
yorick -i yoga_ao/ywidgets/widget_ao.i
Updated by Damien Gratadour over 11 years ago · 2 revisions