Install YoGA Ao¶
This page will guide you through the process of installing YoGA_Ao up and running on your machine
Install YoGA¶
To run YoGA_Ao, you need to have the YoGA plugin properly installed. Go to this webpage : Install YoGA to check the installation process.
To use the GTK GUI features of YoGA_Ao, you additionally need to have pygtk installed. The best way to do so (under macports or fink on mac os or under linux) is to get glade-3 installed. All the required libraries will be installed as a side effect.
Install YoGA_Ao¶
Once YoGA is running on your machine
- You have to contact us in order to get a binary library
- Download the necessary yorick files
then go into the freshly created yoga_ao directory and type :
yorick -batch make.i
make && make install
will get you up and running !
from this point you can use yoga_ao in scripts (see ao_scripts.i for some examples) by juste including yoga_ao in a yorick session :
yorick -i yoga_ao.i
or you can use the GUI features by typing in the yoga_ao directory :
yorick -i ywidgets/widget_wfs.i
Please refer to the features page for more information.
Updated by Damien Gratadour over 11 years ago · 1 revisions