YoGA features¶
A list of features with corresponding wrappers is provided in the following. All these operations can be performed on a YoGA object. This webpage may not be up to date. Please refer to the file yoga.i for a complete list of available features. To get a full description of the syntax please use the help function in a Yorick session.
General utilities¶
- extern _GetMaxGflopsDeviceId get the ID of the best CUDA-capable device on your system
- extern _setDeviceId set the active device to the specified ID
- func setDeviceId set the active device to the specified ID and returns its name
- extern _listDevice returns the list of CUDA-capable devices on your system
- extern _nbDevice returns the number of CUDA-capable devices on your system
- extern _yogaThreadExit exist threads on the active device
- extern _yogaThreadSync synchronizes threads on the active device
- extern _yogaInit init a YoGA session on the specified device
- extern _yogaInitCublas init a CUBLAS session on the active device
- extern _yogaShutdownCublas shutdown the CUBLAS session on the active device
Arrays manipulations¶
- extern yoga_obj creates an array on the GPU
- extern yoga_host2device fills an object on the GPU with data from the Yorick session
- extern yoga_device2host transfers data from an object on the GPU to the Yorick session
- extern yoga_setv create a new cublasVector from input data
- extern yoga_setm create a new cublasMatrix from input data
- extern yoga_getarray get a sub-array of input object specified by a range
- extern yoga_fillarray fill a sub-array of input object specified by a range
- extern yoga_getarray get the value of an array at specified position
- extern yoga_plus add a scalar to all the elements of an array
- extern yoga_plusai add a scalar (an element of a source array) to all the elements of an array
Matrix Operations¶
YoGA provides support for most of the cublas functions as well as an autotuned custom tranpose method from the NVIDIA SDK.
BLAS functions¶
- extern yoga_imax returns the smallest index of the maximum magnitude element of obj
- extern yoga_imin returns the smallest index of the minimum magnitude element of obj
- extern yoga_asum retuns the sum of the absolute values of obj
- extern yoga_nrm2 returns the Euclidean norm of obj
- extern yoga_scale scales vectx by an amount specified by the second argument
- extern yoga_swap swaps the content of the 2 arguments
Mis à jour par Damien Gratadour il y a plus de 11 ans · 1 révisions